Trainings, workshops and coachings

Only related to IT and only on subjects where I possess substantial firsthand expertise I will craft uniquely tailored training programs that align seamlessly with your go-to-market strategy, solutions, teams, competitors, and developmental goals.

Check out my short descriptions on modules I have developed so far - and if you wish to delve deeper and receive a more comprehensive plan tailored to your requirements, please don't hesitate to reach out and engage in a discussion with me.
Campaign creators discussion in a conference room

For Presales and Postsales Consultants

I help your postsales and preales engineers and consultants excel in their communication and implement sales strategies effectively.

This entails establishing mastery in communication, finesse, attentiveness, adaptability, and expanding their repertoire for all types of customer interactions.

Together we will translate your sales goto-market and your sales method into approaches that are suitable and actionable for the technical team.
Man and women giving high five to eachother

For Sales Reps, Account Managers & Client Executives

I help your sales reps get excellent at business discovery, really digging deep into customer's drivers and motivations - aka pain points, building sustainable relationships and rather than being the annoying sales person, become a trusted partner and advisor.

I also help reps evolve into account managers and further become client executives, picking up more responsibilities than just their revenue number, like building an account plan they really own (rather than making it up out of thin air just to pass the review). I show them why and how to orchestrate their account team and engage sales specialists effectively.
man standing in mountain overlooking trees at daytime

Leadership Excellence for PS, SE or Sales Leaders

I empower, encourage and equip managers with the essential skills and mindset for a success in their roles.

Instead of remaining focused on hands-on tasks (as often seen from individual contributors who have just moved into the new position), my program emphasizes the importance of understanding team dynamics, strategic planning, fostering trust within teams, enhancing self-awareness, and guiding effective leadership during periods of change.

I encourage the cultivation of a personal brand and thought leadership while facilitating the exchange of peer best practices, ensuring that managers fully embrace their roles.
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